Τρίτη 12 Ιανουαρίου 2021



Ὁ ἄντρας δν ἀγαπᾷ μία γυναῖκα γι τὸ σέξ.

Οὔτε ἐπειδὴ εἶναι καλὴ μαγείρισσα.

Οὔτε ἐπειδὴ εἶναι καλὴ μητέρα.

Τὴν ἀγαπᾷ ἐπειδὴ μπορεῖ ν τὸν τραβήξει ἔξω ἀπὸ τ ἐγκόσμια. Θέλει ἀπὸ τὴν γυναῖκα ν τὸν τοποθετήσει σ μία κατάσταση " ὕπαρξης " ἢ σ μία ὑπερβατικὴ κατάσταση ποὺ θ ἀπομακρύνει τὴ σύγκρουση ἀπὸ τὸν νοῦ του καὶ θ τοῦ προσφέρει ἠρεμία.

Τὴν ἀγαπᾷ γιατί ἐκείνη μπορεῖ ν τοῦ προσφέρει τὴν ἐμπειρία τοῦ διεσταλμένου ἄπειρου ἐαυτοῦ του. Αὐτὸ εἶναι τὸ θεμέλιό της μακροχρόνιας ἀγάπης!

Ὅταν ἕνας ἄντρας ἀγαπᾷ πραγματικ τὴ σύντροφό του, θέλει ν τὴν βλέπει ν ἀναπτύσσει τὸ δυναμικό της καὶ ν ἐκφράζει τὸ Ἄπειρο, γιατί μ αὐτὸν τὸν τρόπο τὸν ἐμπνέει καὶ τὸν μεταφέρει σ βασίλεια τ ὁποῖα ἐκεῖνος δν ἔχει καν ὀνειρευτεῖ!!!!~

Γιόγκι Μπάτζαν.

Ἀναρωτιόνται πολλοί, γιατί ὅλες οἱ θρησκεῖες δν ἔφεραν καὶ δν φέρνουν τὴν ἕνωση μ τὴν εὐτυχία καὶ μ τὴν εὐδαιμονία, ἄρα ἂν ἀναλύσετε τὴν λέξη «ΕΥ~Τυχία» καὶ τὴν λέξη «ΕΥ~ Δαιμονία» διαφορετικὰ, τόσο πολὺ ποὺ ν μπορεῖτε ν Νοήσετε μ Tὸν Νοῦ, καὶ ὄχι μ τὴν σκέψη μόνο, ἄρα, δν ἀναιρεῖ κανεὶς τὶς σκέψεις του, ἁπλ τὶς δαμάζει καὶ τὶς ὁδηγεῖ συζEYγμένες εἰς Τὸν Ναὸ Τοῦ Νοῦ (*1), ἀφοῦ πρότερα ἔχει περάσει ἀπὸ τὸν Πρό~Ναό (*1) τῆς καρδιᾶς.

Ν γιατί πρέπει ν ἐρωτεύεστε πολὺ στ νιάτα σας, ὥστε εἰς τήν δεύτερη σας καὶ τήν τρίτη νεότητα σας ν ξέρετε «πῶς» καὶ «πο» ν ἁπλώσετε τὶς καρδις σᾶς, ἔχοντας ὑπὸ ἐπιστασία Τοῦ Νοῦ, τὴν κάθε ἐνσάρκωση σᾶς, πέραν τῶν ἐδῶ διαστάσεων τὸ εὖρος.

*1 Ἀνάγκη εἶναι νὰ δεῖτε ὅτι ὁ ἄνθρωπος [ὡς καὶ ἄλλα ἀνώτερα αὐτοῦ ὄντα, μὴ πεπτωκυίας φύσης, εἰς ὅ,τι ὑμεῖς οἱ τῆς οὐτοπίας ὀπαδοὶ καὶ ἐραστές], ἔχει τὴν καρδιά του, πού τοῦ δίνει ζωὴ εἰς τὴν ἐνσάρκωσή του, κλεισμένη εἰς τὸ σκοτάδι τῶν σπλάχνων του, ἀλλὰ καὶ προστατευμένη ἀπὸ τόν θώρακα καὶ τούς μῦς, καθώς οἱ αἰσθήσεις καὶ τὰ ὄργανα τῆς ἔκφρασης του, καὶ τῆς ἀποδοχῆς τῶν νοημάτων του, καὶ τῶν δράσεων του, εἶναι εἰς τὸ κεφάλι, ἐκτός τῆς ἁφῆς, ἥτις, εἶναι διάσπαρτη, εἰς ὅλο τό σῶμα, ἀλλὰ ἐνῷ οἱ σκέψεις του, ἔχουν τομέα δράσης τὸν ἐγκέφαλο του ! Ὁ Νοῦς, ποτέ δὲν εἶναι ἐκεῖ ἐγκατεστημένος...


|Native Americans| Amanecer

A man does not love a woman for sex. Neither because she is good cook. Neither because she is good mother. He loves her because she can drag him out of the earthly. He expects from the woman to put him in a position of “being” or in a transcendent situation that will remove the collision from his mind and will offer him tranquility. He loves her because she can offer the experience of his dilated infinitive self. This is the foundation of the long term love !

When a man loves truly his companion, he wants to watch her evaluate her dynamics and to express the Ultimate/Infinity, because in that way she ispires and she transfers him to kingdoms which he he has not even dreamt of!!!!~

Yogi Bajan.

Wondering are many, why all the religions did not bring the union with the hapiness and with the bliss therefore if you analyse the word «ΕΥ~Τυχία» and the word «ΕΥ~ Δαιμονία» differently, so much that you can Understand with The Mind, and not with the thought only, therefore, do not overturn nobody his thoughts, simply masters them and leads them συζEYγμένες to The Temple of The Mind (*1), until after has passed through the Before~Temple (*1) of the heart.

That's why you have to fall in love a lot in your youth, so that at your second and your third youth to know “how” and “where” to lay your hearts, having under superintendence of The Mind, the every incarnation / embodiment of yours, beyond this place's dimensions the range.

*1 Necessity is to see that the human [as and other higher than him creatures, not descented nature, to what we of the utopia's followers and lovers], has his heart, that gives life to his incarnation closed to the darkness of his entrails, but also and protected by the chest and the muscles, as the senses and the organs of expression and acceptance of meanings and acts are in the head except the sense of touch, which is scattered, to all of body, but while the thoughts have field of action his brain !

The Mind, never it is there installed...


|Native Americans| Amanecer

